Create Highlight Reels with Animations for Better Quality Highlights!
**The following is to be done in the SkyEye RUNWAY Desktop Application**
Cutting your film for editing: To cut a game film manually into clips, or highlights, you will need to click the scissor icon after importing the file. You can use this area to either cut film or trim film. What is the difference? Cut Film is the ability to cut a full length game film into individual clips or plays for your Highlight Reel. Trimming Film is simply the ability to trim a clip to make it smaller (take out the wasted space) so you can fit more plays on your Highlight Reel.
Once in the Cut Film area, you can begin using all the tools available to you. To begin cutting a film, you can either hit the play button, or the IN button. Once the IN button is clicked it will begin a clip (play). As soon as you hit the OUT button, it will create the clip on the clip list below the screen. If you already have individual plays and you want to make them smaller, simply click IN when you want the clip to start and OUT when you want it to end. This way you can trim any unwanted space on the clip. You will do this for each play during the game that you want to for your Highlight Reel. Once you complete each clip, you will click “Add To List” at the bottom. Once you have all of your clips/plays created, you need to delete the original file out of the working area.
Building Your Highlight Reels
Step 1 - The first step will be select the clips you want to use and ‘drag and drop’ your clips to the timeline in the order you want them. You may reorder the clips by simply ‘drag and dropping’ them in the correct order. To ‘drag and drop’ all you have to do is click the clip and drag it where you want it to go. You can preview each clip by clicking the play button. If you would like to delete a clip, right click and select ‘delete.’
Step 2 - Once you have your clips in order you can create a title screen on the highlight by clicking “Add Title Screen.” You will be able to upload a picture and any information you would like to start off your Highlight Reel.
Step 3 - Once your title page is created, you can begin inserting your graphic overlays to each clip. The graphic overlay area is on the right side of the video. You can choose to point out a player with different arrows, circle players, or add text into the video. You can also select different colors for the overlays. Once selected, you can choose to ‘Put in Motion’ or ‘Apply Fade in Effect.’
If you would like to preview the clip, click the play/pause button.
Apply Fade in Effect - Applying a fade in effect makes the graphic overlay come in while the video is paused for a few seconds. Once the overlay is seen, the video resumes, and the overlay disappears. You can place the overlay at the beginning of the video, or right before the BIG play is about to happen!
Step 4 - Once you have your overlays in place you can input music by clicking the music tab.
Reminder on Music: SKYEYE SPORTS does not accept any responsibility for music that is uploaded with your personal Highlight Reels. If it is found that you do not have the rights to your music, or if your music is classified as vulgar by us, we have the ability to remove your reel from the site. In other words, keep it clean.
Step 5 - Once you have your graphic and music overlays you can preview your reel. To preview the entire reel, click ‘Play full timeline’ on the right of the timeline and then click ‘Play/Pause.’ To preview individual clips, click the clip and click ‘Play/Pause.”
Step 6 - UPLOAD IT! Once you feel good about your reel, click ‘upload to site’ at the top right of your page. Once the clip is uploaded it can be found on your profile page.
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